"Our customers are all friends. I share my story, and they share their stories."

Why I Serve
May 1, 2020
By Jennifer Tormo
225 Magazine
Eva Jetty, co-owner and front-of-house manager of Maison Lacour
“I grew up all over the place—France, Africa, Thailand. I came to America when I was 24 and consider it my home. My family opened Maison Lacour French Restaurant in June of 1986, and I joined in 1990. We work very differently from other restaurants. We only have 12 tables. My husband cooks. He has one person to help him, plus a dish washer. I do the front of the house. I am my own waitress.
Our customers are all friends. I share my story, and they share their stories. Whenever they go to Paris, they always come here before the trip, and this is the first place they come when they get back. It’s like coming to a special place.
This is my little world right here. Our restaurant, to me, is my Louisiana. It means everything to me. At the moment, it’s very difficult. But we are here, open for takeout. Our customers are wonderful people. They’ve been very supportive, although I’ve always felt that—it’s nothing new. Now, they want to buy gift cards or bottles of wine and our house salad dressing. When they call, we will have everything ready to bring to their car. I am so thankful to have them.” maisonlacour.com